

This looks very interesting. Is it licensed under an open source license?

If it is, it would be totally appropriate to put it on GitHub and let the community build it out. All that is needed is the aforementioned license and some person or cult to vet pull requests and coordinate testing.

I think that trying to organize a formal project ala Sakai would require committed resources and be very hard to pull off.



> On Dec 15, 2014, at 6:23 PM, KLINGLER, THOMAS <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> At Kent State in recent years we've built a system, Selection Manager (TM) , that does all these things and much more.  In addition to the five items below in Kelly's request, it allows folks to see everything under review.  If you're authenticated with campus credentials, you can access trial URLs and passwords, enter scores and reviews, see scores and reviews from throughout campus, get alerts to item status changes,.....   Staff can track basic license parameters, track multiple vendor quotes, assign workflow components to other staff,.....export the license and bib info into the local ILS,...  Search by subject, vendor , title,... sort for all active trials,...etc, etc, etc....
> We have used Selection Manager in production at Kent State for several years in Technical Services and don't know how we lived without it.  The thousands of emails are gone and every request/quote/trial/decision/evaluation/score/fund suggestion/ etc is tracked in Selection  Manager.
> Funny that Kelly says " this is before an order goes into the ILS." When the system was under development, my project name for it was:  Pre-ILS.  I chose the name to indicate that the system was designed to track all the selection work that happened BEFORE an item found its way into the ILS.  For years now I've said that Pre-ILS, now Selection Manager, is the ILS module that the ILS vendor community forgot to build for the past forty years !!
> The super simple public view is available here:
> Splash page:
> Selection Manager:
> Recent presentation with tons of screen shots:
> At the public, non-authenticated page, you can only see the simple level.  Campus authentication is required to see trial info and submit scores.  Library intranet access is necessary for the staff side and the workflow operations.
> Over the years, I've shown Selection Manager at lots of conferences, and, all modesty aside, folks uniformly love it.  As I approach retirement, I've been showing it to lots of vendors and telling them to just take the ideas and build it out.  Have shown it to III, ProQuest, EBSCO, etc.  ...nobody has agreed to proceed, even though I say all I'd want in return is a steak and a martini.
> *****I propose that we make Selection Manager into an Open Source project of the Code4Lib community.  (We wrote it too fast and hard-wired it in to too much of our existing automation; hence,  it's not on GitHub.) We could organize a team, write the specs, abstract things out to a level where the system would have modules that allowed everything to be configurable for a local install.  The current system is about 10,000 lines of PHP and was about a man-year of work.  I'd guess that we'd want a team of about 5 selection/acquisitions folks to review/write/refresh the specifications and about 5 developers to work as a team to build out the thing.  Then we would ALL end up with a rich system that was hugely helpful.  And, we'd end up with a community of devoted developers and users who could support each other and the system going forward.
> Of course this sounds like a wacky idea, and, yes, I'm an old software hippie by nature,....but, let me know if you're interested in the project.
> If you've read this far, thanks for your time and attention.
> Tom Klingler
> Assistant Dean for Systems, Collections,and Technical Services
> Kent State University
> On Dec 15, 2014, at 6:39 PM, "Cary Gordon" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> This would be pretty simple to build with Drupal webforms, workflow or workbench and views.
>> Cary
>>> On Dec 15, 2014, at 2:39 PM, Kaile Zhu <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> This is mainly for acquisition dept. to use before ordering and receiving:
>>> 1.       Web based
>>> 2.       Allow librarians and faculty to request a material
>>> 3.       One requested, notify acquisition staff for process
>>> 4.       Acquisition staff can view, edit,  input the order status
>>> 5.       Generate reports by various parameters, such as requester, dates, departments, vendors, etc.
>>> Basically, this is before an order goes into the ILS.
>>> Has anybody already done something like this?    Currently, we do the job by email.  There is no way we can track the pre-order information in a meaningful way.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Kelly Zhu
>>> 405-974-5947