

Interesting post and responses.

Started the year by finishing up the Dresden Files (Jim Butcher) series.  Also picked up Skin Game the day it was released.

A local used bookstore opened up, so I ended up picking up a lot of classic sci-fi and fantasy.  A small selection...
Ursula K. Le Guin - Left Hand of Darkness, Lathe of Heaven
Isaac Asimov - Prelude to Foundation
Marion Zimmer Bradley - Mists of Avalon
Anne McCaffrey - Doona series, No One Noticed the Cat
William Gibson - continued reading the "Sprawl" trilogy.
Neal Stephenson - Snow Crash
Mercades Lackey - Arrows trilogy
Neil Gaiman - Anansi Boys, American Gods, Good Omens (with Terry Pratchett).

Also reread Daniel Suarez's Daemon and Freedom(tm).

For non-fiction, I haven't read Redefining Realness yet.  Janet Mock spoke at the university where I work.

Video Games:
Continuing Guild Wars 2.  Picked up Guild Wars 1 to play through all the original lore and get the linked rewards.  Quantum Conundrum (by Kim Swift, original designer of Portal).  Picked up Never Alone and Alice: Madness Returns but haven't had a chance to play them yet.

Board/Tabletop Games:
Played the aforementioned Lords of Waterdeep, which was quite enjoyable.  Finished a two year Pathfinder campaign.  Pathfinder Card Game, but I didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped.  I no longer go to the local game store's board game night, so I doubt I will do much with board games any more.