

I'm pleased to announce the next quarterly meetup of code4lib-SoCal <>


Friday, June 5th, 2015, from 10am to 3pm

We have tentative plans to bookend the main meetup with beginner tutorial sessions in the morning (9am-10am) and  afternoon (3pm-5pm). More details on that coming soon...


Davidson Library, room 1575

UC Santa Barbara

Call for Presentations:

We'd all like to hear about your interesting projects and toolsets, so volunteer to give a short talk about what you've been working on. Just send me a message and I'll add you to the schedule.

To RSVP and find updated schedule & content information, use the public meetup site:

See you there!


Joshua Gomez | Sr. Software Engineer

Getty Research Institute | Los Angeles, CA

(310) 440-7410