


Last call for participation! If you're willing to spend a few minutes reflecting on your own innovation efforts and what might help you realize them, we'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks to all who have participated thus far.

Joe Montibello and Robin Champieux
on behalf of Library Pipeline's Innovation section

>Library Pipeline’s Innovation in LIS committee is conducting a survey to gather information about innovation activities in libraries (of all types).  We’re aiming to understand the people that are building innovations, the strategies and resources that have benefited their work, and the barriers they’ve encountered.  
>In case you haven’t heard of us, Library Pipeline <> is a nonprofit dedicated to supporting structural changes by providing opportunities, funding, and services that improve the library as an institution and librarianship as a profession.  
>Please take a few minutes to complete the short list of questions we’ve compiled.  We will be sharing the data we collect and our analysis.  Ultimately, we will use this inform LP’s efforts to support library- and librarian-driven innovation and entrepreneurship.  We appreciate your willingness to share your experience and insights.
>Joe Montibello and Robin Champieux
>on behalf of Library Pipeline's Innovation section