

Dear Standards & Practices Working Group Members,

Yesterday, we sent out a “welcome” message over the NDSA-ALL listserv sharing, among other things, the new website for the NDSA ( We wanted to follow up with our warmest welcome to each group-- along with some information specific to your working group.

The new address of this email list is: [log in to unmask]

Your next working group call is scheduled for: Monday, January 25, 1-2pm EST

  • To join the call, just go to in your browser, or call 202-750-4186 by phone-- no PIN needed.

  • Though these calls are already scheduled in Uberconference, the calendar appointment for your recurring working group call may have expired. Working Group Chairs, if you would like assistance in getting another appointment on folks’ calendars, please just let us know and we would be happy to assist you.

We are very much looking forward to working with you and supporting your projects; if you have any questions or concerns, please know that you can contact us at any time.


Oliver Bendorf & Bethany Nowviskie (the DLF team)
Oliver Bendorf | Program Associate | Digital Library Federation
1707 L Street NW, Suite 650 | Washington, DC, 20036

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