

Conversations around labor issues in the profession are not new. But at the
DLF Forum this past fall and at other conferences and meetings (including
CHSC Summit and SAA), certain aspects of how labor practices affect the
work we do have come up again and again. What kind of guidelines for
creating healthier grant-funded positions might be provided for grant
writers and reviewers? Should LAM institutions be contracting with the
prison-industrial complex at all? Are there concrete steps that could be
taken to make this contracted employment of incarcerated persons more
ethical? How can institutions address the problems of credential creep in
DH and other positions?

These problems aren't unique to the digital sphere. However, one must start
somewhere and the DLF has offered to provide a space for this work and may
endorse and promote its outcomes. One does not have to be a DLF member or
attending Fall 2017's Forum to participate in the working group. If you're
interested, please read the full post on the DLF website. I look forward to
feedback and hope to work with some of you on this.

Thank you,
Ruth Kitchin Tillman


Ruth Kitchin Tillman

Digital Collections Librarian

Hesburgh Libraries

113 Hesburgh Library

o: 574-631-6067

e: [log in to unmask]


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