The Northern and Southern California Chapters of the Visual Resources Association are hosting a 1 ½ day mini-conference to be held at UC Berkeley.
The deadline for this Call for Papers is
April 15, 2017. Proposals will be reviewed and presenters will be notified of their selection no later than May 1, 2017. Please complete the online CFP form:
Paper/poster topics can include (but are not limited to) the following. Topics can be presented in the form of 20-minute papers, 7-minute lightning talks, posters, or panel discussions:
Digital Libraries
Digital Assets Management Systems
Digital Humanities
Digital Art History
Image/Media Collection Management, Access, or Discovery
Collaborative Collection Building
Digital Pedagogy
Open Access/Open Content
Linked Open Data
Information Professional Issues
Copyright Issues
Digital Imaging Tools
Visual Literacy
Sincerely, CaVraCon planning committee,
Maureen Burns
Lynn Cunningham
Jason Miller
Eugene De La Rosa