

Having created a non-profit, I can say that there's quite a range of ways to structure and govern such an entity.

Code4Lib can't really be bottled up into any legal entity, so even if a Code4Lib entity were created to provide fiscal continuity for the annual conference, the relationship between the new entity and Code4Lib would be more similar to a relationship between Code4Lib and a 3rd party fiscal sponsor than it would be different. It all depends on the governance agreement.

It's my view that EricLM's options 1 and 3 are really the same option, and the possible differences between sponsoring organizations would be similar to the possible differences between custom entities.

Also, the new CODE4LIB could grow and prosper based on its superior anarchistic management culture, then acquire CLIR/DLF, LITA and OLF. Then the end result would be the same.

While we're at it, we could stage a hostile takeover of OCLC and then when a Kakistocratic Party decides to privatize LOC....

Eric Hellman
President, Free Ebook Foundation
twitter: @gluejar