

We are delighted to invite you to our newly formed Miracle Workers Working Group! We are a group of professionals working in roles with many titles, but a similar charge to support digital scholarship projects, coordinate community efforts, and bridge campus silos with few resources, minimal infrastructure, and informal partnerships. We perform miracles. If we had you at hello, you can join by becoming part of our Google Group.


The group will serve as a forum for continued and expanded conversations, planning and tip-sharing. Using other listservs as models, we will have a guest moderator each month to drive conversations on a specific topic of their choosing. We are also planning to hold Twitter chats in the spring based on similar models at DLF, and come up with creative ways of engaging with each other through activities and happenings. You need not be a DLF member to join.


If you would like more context, you can read our full announcement on the DLF blog or visit our DLF Wiki page.


We hope you join us!

Leigh Bonds, Alex Gil & the DLF team



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