As I was preparing to leave for the holiday break three weeks ago, I cleaned out my desk space, and found a bunch of random treasures I don’t even remember ferreting away. Some examples: eight rolls of washi tape, three boxes of tea, four sticky note pads (those I actually remember taking, because they were ‘the good colors’ from the supply drawer), a pair of sandals, and one large bag of soil. I also found a pen that’s a highlighter on one end and a highlighter eraser on the other. It was a thrilling day, I tell you. I hope your year at work ended just as well.


We’ve starting off 2018 with lots of exciting positions submitted to the DLF Jobs Board:



View past listings on the Jobs Board or by tracking #DLFjobs. If you have a position description to share with the community, submitting is completely free for DLF member affiliates.


Cheers to a new year of hoarding—er—supply caching!




Becca Quon

Program Associate for Advancement and Awards
The Digital Library Federation

1707 L Street Ste 650, Washington, D.C. 20036 |


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