

When you live in DC, the whole ‘seat of the country’s government’ thing is in your face all. the. time. On the metro in the morning, for instance, everyone has their heads buried the Post Express. When your family comes to visit you, it’s pretty much guaranteed you’re going to have to take their picture in front of at least a dozen statues.


And on days when there’s, say, a government shutdown? You become even more saturated in all of it. My cashier at the grocery store struck up a conversation about federal funding yesterday, and everyone I know texted everyone else to ask if they, too, were off from work. What’s it even like outside this big corporate-casual bubble? I don’t remember.


Anyways, here are the jobs submitted to us last week; good luck to those of you on the hunt!



View past listings on the Jobs Board or by tracking #DLFjobs. If you have a position description to share with the community, submitting is quick and free for DLF member affiliates.


Have a good week,



Becca Quon

Program Associate for Advancement and Awards
The Digital Library Federation

1707 L Street Ste 650, Washington, D.C. 20036 |


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