


Good afternoon!


We’re extending the call for participation for the Digital Preservation 2018 Planning Committee until Monday, February 12th.


We’ve got a great roster forming with folks interested in exploring how #DigiPres18 can be more inclusive, reach new communities, improve the experience for new members, and provide space for conversations of an intermediate and advanced nature (to name just a few of the ideas coming in through the survey!).  If those are ideas that you’d like to support (or if you have new ideas you’d like to propose), we would really use your help!!


For more information see below, and complete this form by Monday, February 12.





(on behalf of the DigiPres 2018 Planning Committee)



The National Digital Stewardship Alliance calls for volunteers from NDSA member organizations to join the Planning Committee for Digital Preservation 2018.


Digital Preservation is the NDSA’s major meeting and conference—open to members and non-members alike—focusing on digital stewardship and preservation, data curation, and related issues. This year it will take place October 17th & 18th at the M Resort, just outside Las Vegas, Nevada, after the DLF Forum.


Logistical arrangements will be handled by the Digital Library Federation, so that this committee can focus more fully on the program for #digipres18. Duties involve defining the vision for the event, drafting and circulating a CFP, coordinating the review and selection of proposals, crafting and publicizing the schedule, and collaborating with the DLF Forum planning committee to make this conference partnership a success. We anticipate monthly group calls and regular email exchanges February-October.


This is an opportunity to help shape a crucial venue for intellectual exchange, community-building, development of best practices, and national-level agenda-setting in the field of digital preservation—as well as to set the tone and direction for future NDSA events. Join us!

Volunteers from NDSA member organizations are asked to complete this form by Monday, February 12.


Please share this opportunity widely.




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