

The Bay Area local planning committee is pleased to be hosting Code4Lib
2019 and we need your help!! RFPs have been sent to a few venues and while
we don't know the exact location yet, we can still start the volunteer work
that makes this wonderful conference possible.

Our main priority is getting the Budget Committee fully formed. You can see
the descriptions for this and all the other volunteer positions on this
wiki page:

How do you sign up?

- If you don't have a wiki account, sign up for one by contacting Ryan Wick
[log in to unmask]
- Edit the wiki page above and add your name to the appropriate list
- email Eric Phetteplace and he'll add you! [log in to unmask]
- contact any of us on the Code4Lib #general Slack channel

Additionally, if you're interested in joining the local planning committee
itself, please let us know!! We'd love to add a few more members. Previous
experience with Code4Lib or conference planning is not required.

Your Local Planning Committee,
Eric Phetteplace, Nicole Johnson, Aaron Collier, Mark Matienzo, Bethany
Nowviskie, & Roy Tennant