

There is 1 spot left for SEI 2018! This is it if you want to attend. We are starting a waitlist after it goes. 


In its 15th year as a joint program between the  Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) and the Visual Resources Association Foundation (VRAF), SEI 2108 will be held at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, from June 5-8, 2018.


This intensive three and a half-day workshop features a curriculum taught by expert instructors who cover:


·         Intellectual Property Rights

·         Reformatting

·         Metadata and Cataloging

·         Project Management

·         Digital Curation

·         Digital Repositories

·         Digital Asset Management

·         Digital Humanities

·         Professional Growth and Development


For more information see or find us on Facebook .


Please feel free to contact the SEI co-chairs with any questions:


Nicole Finzer ([log in to unmask])

Lesley Chapman ([log in to unmask])


See you in Albuquerque!


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