I’m starting to feel hostile towards a beach. You see, I’m headed out to Rehoboth Beach in Delaware this weekend. And it will be my first time visiting the ocean on the East Coast.
In trying to figure out what to expect, I keep picturing the gloomy scenes in Montauk from
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and the retro town depicted in 1975’s
Jaws. I also googled “broken down beach town” and east coast gambling beach” while trying to remember the name ‘Atlantic City’. And that’s pretty much my entire collective knowledge of the beaches here, so you can see why I’m wary. Regardless, in keeping
with my own firm anti-snob policy, I’m looking forward to seeing it for myself. (Please send tips, if you’ve been!)
A very short roundup of positions this week:
View past listings on the Jobs Board or by tracking #DLFjobs. If you have a position description to share with the community,
you’re in luck! You can submit it quickly on our site—for free, if you’re a DLF member affiliate!
Hope you have a good afternoon,
Becca Quon
Program Associate for Advancement & Awards
Digital Library Federation (DLF)
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