

*Come join the ALCTS Metadata Interest Group, in conjunction with the
ALCTS/LITA Linked Library Data Interest Group, on Saturday, June 23 at
10:30-11:30am as they present “Implementing Linked Open Data in the Real
World”.  This program will introduce participants to ongoing projects
focused on linked data application, including challenges inherent to moving
towards a Linked Open Data ecosystem.  Presentation topics include: 1.
Linked Data for Production: Pathway to Implementation (LD4P Phase 2)
Presented by Philip Schreur, PhD (Stanford University) 2. Linked Data URI
workflows at the Digital Virginia’s DPLA Hub  Presented by Jeremy
Bartczak (University of Virginia)3. Rare Materials Ontology Extension: from
Modeling to Implementation  Presented by Jason Kovari (Cornell University)
& Francis Lapka (Yale University)This program is included with the full
conference registration and will be held at the Morial Convention Center in
room 392.  Don’t forget to add it to your conference scheduler
@alcts #metadataig #alaac18 #alctsac18 #linkeddata*


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