

Registration is now open for Code4Lib BC 2018!

This year's unconference is happening on November 29th - 30th in Nanaimo at Vancouver Island Regional Library and Vancouver Island University. The cost is $10 per person. Space is limited, so sign up now!

Click the link below for registration details:

And please take a moment to volunteer your time by proposing a lightning talk or breakout session (or both!).  If there is a neat project you've been working on, a cool new tool you want to show off, or an interesting development in the world of library technology that you want to discuss, Code4Lib BC is a great opportunity to share that with the community.

This year were are happy to offer a draw for a chance to win one of two travel bursaries [$300 each].
One for a student, one for a non-student:

Watch the wiki for more information and updates: