

*The Art Libraries Students and New Professionals (ArLiSNAP) and Visual
Resources Emerging Professionals (VREPS) welcome proposals from students
and new professionals with an interest in art librarianship or visual
resources management to present their work at our 2018 Virtual Conference:
New Media Challenges and Solutions for Art Information Professionals New
media art, objects, and scholarly projects in the digital realm are
challenging our traditional definitions and methodologies for collection,
preservation, and research as information professionals. As the scope for
new media continues to expand, how are we defining, describing, and
cataloging new media objects? How are we preparing for and anticipating
storage and conservation needs? How do we respect artist intent and support
scholarly research around these born-digital objects? We invite proposals
that share research and projects featuring new media in art librarianship
and visual resources management for our annual virtual conference, an
opportunity for emerging professionals to present in a supportive and
engaging space while connecting with other students and early career
librarians across North America. The webinar will take place on Saturday,
October 13th at 1PM CST. Submit your proposal
<>via our Google Form to apply.
Proposals are due by Friday, September 14th. You must also be available to
participate in a short practice session with the webinar software in the
evening on Thursday, October 4. If you have any questions, please email the
ArLiSNAP Conference Planning Liaison Michelle Wilson at
[log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>. *

Michelle Wilson
Digital Publishing Librarian, Columbia University Libraries
208A Butler Library | t: 212-853-2353 | e: [log in to unmask]


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