Hello everyone,


We’re write to invite you to contribute to and participate in DLF’s Technologies of Surveillance (ToS) Working Group.


The ToS Group interrogates the methods and ethical implications of contemporary and future technologies, and seeks to establish guidelines for how to operationalize that interrogation, whether in systems that we create or purchase, or ones that our larger institutions do.


To facilitate our work, we’ve created five sub-groups that focus around community-driven thematic areas:



More information about the work of ToS and our subgroups is available on the DLF wiki: https://wiki.diglib.org/Technologies_of_Surveillance


Our outgoing co-convener, Yasmeen Shorish, has also recently written a reflection on the accomplishments of the group over the past year, available on the DLF Blog: https://www.diglib.org/the-work-of-a-working-group/. One highlight includes is the newly-available white paper, Ethics in Research Use of Library Patron Data: Glossary and Explainer.


If you are motivated to contribute to the work of ToS, please get in touch with us! We seek community-wide participation to address community-wide issues of privacy and surveillance. If you see a sub-group that you want to join, add your name to the Tos Roster and email the sub-group leader(s) to make sure you’re invited to their meetings where you can talk through how best to contribute.


Thanks, and we look forward to building this community with you!


Shea Swauger and Scott Young, Technologies of Surveillance Working Group Co-Conveners

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