

Hi Brad,
We use a free command line tool ImageMagick to batch convert folders  
of images into single PDF files. The command is simple: convert  
folder/*.tif name.pdf

for more options see here


Quoting "Faust, Brad" <[log in to unmask]>:

> Hello,
> We have a project where we need to combine individual pages of PDF,  
> JPG, and TIFF files into single documents.   We have several dozen  
> folders and 100s of documents to process.  The page files are named  
> sequentially and all the pages for each document are in there own  
> folder.
> We have found and tested the program "PDF Combine Pro" which does  
> the task very well, but we have been unable to successfully purchase  
> a license.
> Is anyone aware of another program that will do this work?     Thanks.
> Brad.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Bradley D. Faust, M.L.S.
> University Libraries
> Assistant Dean for Library Data and Discovery Solutions
> Ball State University
> Muncie, IN  47306
> v:  765 285-8032
> [New Benny Logo with UL 05]

Digital Curation Coordinator
Digital Scholarship Services
Fondren Library, Rice University