

Hi everyone!

Artefactual is thrilled to have two Archivematica Camps coming up this
summer, and another scheduled for the fall. Archivematica Camp is a chance
for anyone interested in or currently using Archivematica to come together,
learn more about the platform, and share their experiences. It’s an
intensive 3-day learning experience inclusive of new users, experienced
users, front-end users and developers/sysadmins.

Archivematica Camp Vancouver is taking place in Vancouver, Canada at the
University of British Columbia from June 24-26, 2019. Early bird
registration is $350 CAD, available until April 26th. For more information,
including a link to register, check out the camp page at

Archivematica Camp London is taking place in London, UK at the London
School of Economics from July 10-12, 2019. Early bird registration is £350,
available until April 30th. Artefactual Systems is also hosting an AtoM Camp
<> the
following week in London! If you register for both camps, you get a £25
discount off each camp, for a savings of £50 total. We hope this will help
some of you enjoy both camps and a longer stay in London. For more
information, including a link to register, check out the camp page at

And in October 2019, we’ll be holding a camp in Geneva at CERN. Keep an eye
out for registration, which will open in a few months! The camp page for
Geneva is here:

Hope to see you soon!


Sara Allain, MI
Systems Archivist
Artefactual Systems, Inc. <>