Do you ever get the urge to print out and save your online exchanges? I’m not even talking about really momentous stuff like an @ from Beyonce—though obviously that’s something you would want on your gravestone. Sometimes I just really treasure a 3am DM from someone who saw a thing and thought of me, or a mundane text message that signs off with “Love, Dad”.


Somewhere on my hard drive I actually do have a folder of screenshots; things like the notification that I was accepted to an important program, or a breakup that happened mostly via Facebook Messenger (college, eyyy). But will  I have them in 50 years to look back on, the way my parents have letters and cards that they tossed into shoeboxes? Why do I have so many digital shoeboxes? Hard drives and thumb drives and message logs on ten different apps. It feels a little like a lost cause to try to keep all those memories together.


Luckily, we don’t have the same trouble with the jobs we receive. All submissions from the last week, below:



View listings on our site or by tracking #DLFjobs. If you have a position description to share with the community, you can submit it quickly—for free, if you’re from a CLIR Sponsor or DLF Member institution.


All the best,




Becca Quon | she/her/hers

Program Officer

Council on Library & Information Resources (CLIR) |

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