

**Please excuse cross-posting!**

Call for Proposals - ALA Annual 2019

The Creative Ideas in Technical Services Interest Group
(CITSIG) of ALCTS seeks facilitators for roundtable discussions for its
session at ALA Annual Meeting on Saturday June 22, 2019 from 4:00-5:00PM in
Washington D.C.

Housed within the Association for Library Collections and Technical
Services division of ALA, the Creative Ideas in Technical Services Interest
Group was created to provide a forum to discuss issues related to the
evolution of technical services. The group is especially interested in
exploring the interdependency between departments and the ways in which
technical services affects, and is affected by, technology and publishing

Roundtable discussions are small, informal group discussions intended to
give participants the opportunity to network, discuss best practices, and
share information. Table size for roundtable discussions is capped at 10
participants per table. Discussion facilitators are responsible for
identifying and developing a topic, creating discussion questions, and
facilitating a discussion at the American Library Association’s Annual
Meeting, June 22, 2019 in Washington D. C. If similar proposals are
submitted and accepted, facilitators may be asked to co-facilitate. If your
discussion topic does not have any participants, chosen facilitators will
be asked to present a 3 minute lightning talk.

Based on feedback from previous attendees, for Annual 2019 we will allow
for the submission of discussion proposals from individuals not able to
attend the session.  If such proposals are accepted, the CITSIG chair and
vice-chair will solicit a discussion facilitator.

Those interested in participating as a discussion facilitator should submit
a proposal that includes:


   The topic you wish to explore. Topics should relate to acquisitions,
   cataloging, metadata, classification, or preservation in academic, public,
   special, or school libraries.

   An abstract which explains the topic and how it applies to the evolution
   of technical services.

   Three sample discussion questions.

To help you formulate a discussion proposal, recent attendees have
expressed interest in the following topics:


   Outreach from Technical Services staff to users.

   Cross-departmental collaboration and building relationships outside of
   Technical Services.

   Conducting research as Technical Services staff.

   Staff development and administrative mentorship.

   Team building within Technical Services departments.

   E-resources and the future of acquisitions

   Special tools, applications, and workflows

   Transitions in leadership, management, and practices

   Core competencies for technical services staff and cataloging education

   Hiring in technical services

   Critical cataloging

Please submit your proposal by Friday, April 26, 2019 via this form:

Call for Vice Chair:

The Creative Ideas in Technical Services Discussion Group seeks an
interested person to serve as Vice-Chair from July 2019-June 2020 and as
Chair from July 2020-June 2021.

Housed within the Association for Library Collections and Technical
Services division of ALA, the Creative Ideas in Technical Services Interest
Group was created to provide a forum to discuss issues related to the
evolution of technical services. The group is especially interested in
exploring the interdependency between departments and the ways in which
technical services affects, and is affected by, technology and publishing

The Chair and Vice Chair work closely together to plan and execute all
aspects of the roundtable discussions that are held during the Interest
Group’s Midwinter and Annual meetings. Tasks include sending call for
proposal emails to listservs, vetting proposals, sending promotional emails
to listservs, coordinating logistics with round table discussion
facilitators, and managing all aspects of the in-person meetings.
Interested people should be able to attend in-person the 2019 and 2020
Midwinter and Annual meetings of ALA.  The Creative Ideas in Technical
Services Interest Group meets at 4:30 pm on the Saturday of both

Those interested in becoming Vice-Chair of the Creative Ideas in Technical
Services Discussion Group should submit a letter of interest that includes:

A short biographical sketch: who are you and why does this group interest

Your availability to attend ALA Midwinter and Annual meetings in 2019 and

Your resume or CV as an attachment

Please submit your letter of interest by April 26th, 2018 to Ryan
Mendenhall (Chair),  [log in to unmask] and Jennifer Maddox Abbott (Vice
Chair), [log in to unmask]


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