Dear Colleagues, 

The project team for Always Already Computational: Collections as Data has released its final report and all deliverables. Many of you have contributed to this project and we thank you for your contributions. 

From 2016-2018 Always Already Computational: Collections as Data documented, iterated on, and shared current and potential approaches to developing cultural heritage collections that support computationally-driven research and teaching. With funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Always Already Computational held two national forums, organized multiple workshops, shared project outcomes in disciplinary and professional conferences, and generated nearly a dozen deliverables meant to guide institutions as they consider development of collections as data. 

The report documents the activities and impacts of the Always Already Computational project, delineates findings, and identifies areas for further inquiry.

All best, 

Thomas Padilla
Laurie Allen
Hannah Frost
Sarah Potvin 
Elizabeth Russey Roke
Stewart Varner 

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