ISLE is an open-source solution that bundles the Islandora stack into an easy to install and maintain package (including automated updates) using Docker. This workshop is designed for people who work closely with their digital repository, including repository administrators, developers, metadata specialists, archivists, systems administrators, or directors. If you are curious about Islandora or looking for an open source platform to make your unique digital collections publicly accessible, this workshop is a great place to start! The NERCOMP "Islandora For All: ISLE Workshop" is a friendly, hands-on workshop for all levels of users that provides guidance on working with ISLE to install the Islandora digital repository platform.

For more information or to register:

Event Location:

Union College (Schenectady, NY)

Wednesday, May 22, 2019, 9:00am - 3:00pm

Registration Fee:

NERCOMP Member: $145

Non Member $290

Your fee includes morning snacks and lunch.

to manage your DLF-ANNOUNCE subscription, visit