The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) welcomes the National Archives of Australia, as they become its newest Associate member.


Collecting and preserving Australian Government records which reflect the country’s history and identity, the National Archives of Australia (NAA) is in a period of digital transformation. As part of this NAA is leading a whole-of-government approach to digital information governance that takes full effect in 2020, and are undertaking a phased, multi-year program to modernise its capabilities to embed secure digital end-to-end archival processes.


“The National Archives of Australia is excited to be joining a community dedicated to the preservation of, and increased citizen access to digital records,” explains Carey Garvie, Assistant Director of Data Governance and Analytics, for the National Archives of Australia’s Digital Archives Taskforce. “We look forward to connecting and collaborating with other DPC members to grow our knowledge and skills in digital preservation.”


Executive Director of the DPC, William Kilbride welcomed the news saying: “I am continually impressed by the efforts of our many digital preservation colleagues in Australia and New Zealand and over the years we have benefitted tremendously from their insights.”


“In welcoming the National Archives of Australia to the DPC we recognise that the challenge of robust and resilient access to vital data is truly international. I am delighted that the DPC is able to share and amplify the growing body of expertise around the world for the benefit of all.”


The not-for-profit DPC is an international advocate for digital preservation, helping members around the world to deliver resilient long-term access to digital content and services through community engagement, targeted advocacy work, training and workforce development, capacity building, good practice and standards, and through good management and governance. Its vision is a secure digital legacy.


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Sarah Middleton

Head of Communications and Advocacy

Digital Preservation Coalition

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