

Hi All,
I'm looking for people who have migrated from METS to PCDM and who'd be willing to share their experiences and expertise. We're currently mapping our Fedora 3.8 METS documents to PCDM in readiness to migrate from version 3.8 Fedora to version 5 and I have a few questions around this.  

We are going to store the FOXML exported from Fedora 3.8 and are thinking of placing this as a Binary on the Parent Object and also Child Objects alongside the access copy, MODS binaries etc. Is this how others are doing this or are they placing it as a Binary on a totally separate Object (i.e. Archived Parent Object and Archived Child Object)?

When mapping Physical and Logical structural maps from METS are you able to place two instances of iana:first and iana:last on an Object and differentiate between them by using rdf:ID attribute e.g. rdf:ID="PHYSICAL"? Or do you have to have two separate Parent Objects, one pointing to the Physical OrderProxies and another (with pcdm:AlternateOrder) pointing to the Logical OrderProxies?

Any guidance would be very much appreciated.

Digital Standards Manager, National Library of Wales