

For the next #DLFteach Twitter chat, we'll be discussing tools and techniques for evaluating digital scholarship created in the classroom. This chat is hosted by Mackenzie Brooks (@mackymoo) and Elizabeth Gibes (@eagibes).

We'll discussing the following:

Q1:  What have you found to be the challenges to evaluating digital scholarship projects created by students?

Q2: How do students respond to evaluation of their digital scholarship projects?

Q3 Have you used an alternative grading system such as Contract Grading or Specifications Grading or Ungrading? How did it go? What was useful (or not) about the system you tried?

Q4: How do you accommodate and honor process or even failure in your evaluation of student-created digital scholarship?

Q5: Show us your rubrics! Have you created an evaluation tool you'd be willing to share? Or is there a resource you use  regularly to help you design yours?

The chat will take place at 2:00 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday, September 17th  2019. Join in using the #DLFteach hashtag!
Can't join us next Tuesday? Not to worry! We'll create archived versions of the chat so you can look at the conversation later. Keep a look out for additional announcements!

Elizabeth Andrejasich Gibes
Coordinator for the Digital Scholarship Lab<>
@Raynor Memorial Libraries, R060J
414-288-5996 | blog:
Schedule a consultation<>

CTL Faculty Fellow| Office Hours Mondays 3-5PM


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