

On Mar 20, 2020, at 11:40 AM, Eric Lease Morgan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:


Wanted: experts in the creation and deployment of Solr indexes and experts in relational database technology

The sponsors of the Distant Reader, the good folks at XSEDE, are very strongly encouraging me to submit a fast-track proposal to: 1) increase the size of the Distant Reader's underlying high performance computing system, and 2) apply the technology to the growing Coronavirus literature. To that end, I have outlined a set of tasks/functions, attached.

But the work requires deeper knowledge of Solr and relational databases than what I possess. For example, we will be wanting to create a Solr instance to index 10s of thousands of scholarly journal articles, if not just as many sets of non-scholarly materials. Similarly, we will be wanting to analyze the literature in terms of its ngrams, parts-of-speech, named entities, and grammars. These things can/will be saved in both tabular forms as well as a relational database. Much of this work has already been done, but it needs to scale up a few notches. We need your help. 

If you would like to apply your skills in a high performance computing environment, then you might want to participate in a Zoom meeting scheduled for Friday at 9 AM (EDT). Drop me a line to ask questions and/or "raise your hand" if you would like to participate in the meeting. 

Be safe.

[1] XSEDE -

Eric Lease Morgan
University of Notre Dame