

Hello Code4Lib Community,

We have two major announcements for you. First of all, we are working on a
procedure to manage changes to the Code of Conduct repository
<>. There are several pull
requests that have sat in the repository for years because there is no
clear, community-approved method of managing them. We are proposing a new
approval method
which is attached to this email. We want to follow this document's own
community vote guidelines: a discussion on the pull request and then a
vote held via web form. Please let us know if you have any questions; you
can direct comments to us here, on Slack, or on the pull request

Secondly, to review proposed changes to the Code of Conduct, we will need
Community Support volunteers that are year-round and not scoped to the
annual conference. We are still working on the parameters of these
volunteer positions but we anticipate they will: be two-year terms, undergo
community vetting, attend an initial training, enforce the Code of Conduct
in online spaces, and manage change requests once we have a procedure in
place. They will not be required to attend the annual conference or
volunteer unless desired.

If you are interested in the year-round Community Support Volunteer
positions, please fill out this form:

Your Community Support Squad Coordinators
Natasha Allen
Eric Phetteplace