

Join us for a Twitter chat on "Finding, cultivating, & nurturing
collaborations with partners outside of libraries" organized by #DLFteach!

Partnerships and collaborations that span an institution can be tricky to
create and nurture. Let’s talk about why we partner with others, who we
partner with, and how we do it. Encouraged: Bring a friend or partners from
outside the library to this Twitter chat. Co-hosts are Anne Cong-Huyen
(@anitaconchita) and Joe Bauer (@joebauer) of the University of Michigan.

Optional reading ahead of time: *Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change,
Changing Worlds* by adrienne maree brown (2017). Recommended chapter:
“Interdependence and Decentralization: Who we are and how we share” (pp.

This chat is at 2 p.m. Eastern on August 18, 2020. Questions will be
tweeted from the @CLIRDLF handle. Join in and follow by tweeting with and
looking at the #DLFteach hashtag. Tweet your responses by indicating that
your tweet is an answer and which question you're responding to -- a sample
tweet in response to Q1 may look like this: "A1: At my institution, we
respond by doing XYZ #DLFteach." All are welcome to participate in and/or
follow the chat!

The questions
<> will
be tweeted at intervals during the hour, and they will be:

   1. Tell us your collaboration origin stories! Who are you collaborating
   with? Maybe even tag your partner.
   2. How do you find partners and collaborators outside of your
   department? How are you making new connections in the current moment, where
   accidental meet-cutes can’t happen as easily.
   3. Why tho??? (What are the benefits? Why are you doing it?)
   4. How are you staying connected with your collaborators? How have you
   had to adapt your methods to sustain your relationships.
   5. What are some of the challenges of collaborating with folx outside
   your unit/department/organization? (We’ll give some examples to start.) And
   how do you overcome them or work around them?
   6. What are some words of wisdom you’d like to share with folx
   interested in finding collaborators or working with people outside their

Not available next Wednesday? You can read the conversation afterwards!
We’ll create archived versions of the chat and share them in the days
afterward on the #DLFteach wiki page

Questions? Contact #DLFteach Twitter Chat Coordinator Martha Stuit (
[log in to unmask]).

Martha Stuit
Scholarly Communication Librarian
University of California, Santa Cruz
[log in to unmask]
ORCID: 0000-0002-4939-1861 <>
Pronouns: she, her, hers


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