Greetings all,


The ORCID US Community, led by LYRASIS in partnership with the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA), the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA), and the NorthEast Research Libraries (NERL), is pleased to invite all interested parties to join us for our 6th “ORCID US Community Showcase” webinar on April 27, featuring insightful ORCID adoption case studies from Rutgers University, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and the University of Arizona. ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) contributes to open research infrastructure by providing a unique, persistent identifier for individuals while also serving as an interoperable hub where information about individuals and their research activities can be shared with organizations across the research and scholarly communication ecosystem.


ORCID US Community Showcase #6


Our past ORCID US Community Showcase webinar recordings (#1-5) can be found in our ORCID US Community YouTube channel:

  1. ORCID US Community Showcase (Sept. 12, 2018. Featuring: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, New York University, Boston College, Cornell University, and the University of Virginia)
  2. ORCID US Community Showcase # 2 (Jan. 30, 2019. Featuring: University of North Texas, University of Minnesota, and University of Iowa)
  3. ORCID US Community Showcase # 3 (May 2, 2019. Featuring: North Carolina State University and University of Texas Southwest Medical Center)
  4. ORCID US Community Showcase #4 (Sept. 24, 2019. Featuring: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Florida State University, and Mississippi State University)
  5. ORCID US Community Showcase #5 (June 4, 2020. Featuring: University of Rochester, Pennsylvania State University, and Stanford University)


For any questions about the session or about ORCID in general, contact me at [log in to unmask].


Many thanks,



Sheila Rabun, MA, MLIS

Program Leader for Persistent Identifier Communities

ORCID US Community:

LYRASIS DataCite US Community:

Phone: 1-800-999-8558 x4809

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Recognize me:



I live, work, and learn on Kalapuya Ilihi, the traditional indigenous homeland of the Kalapuya people. Learn more about the Kalapuya people, their history, and the history of this land. Learn about land acknowledgments and ways to be in solidarity with Native nations beyond land acknowledgments.


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