

Dear Péter,

> here is the original press release, including the links:

Thanks, that one is better.

> For the bibliographical MARC records 3 snapshots are available: 2014,
> 2016 and 2019. There is no dataset of this kind from the current year.

Ok, but I still wonder why they make such a press release when there is
only two year old data available, that's not really "news". I had
expected a dump a few days or perhaps a few weeks old.

But of course great to have it, so thanks LoC for providing it!
A yearly dump would be even greater ;-)

- Michael

> Michael Lackhoff <[log in to unmask]> ezt írta (időpont: 2021. szept.
> 8., Sze, 6:36):
>> Am 07.09.2021 um 17:09 schrieb Sara Amato:
>> > Has anyone done anything with the data from LC?
>> >
>> > If so, what tools have you used and what have you done with it?
>> I would like to, but have problems finding the announced data. The press
>> release has no link to the data and on the LoC site I only find MARC
>> record dumps for 2016 and 2014, no 2021 (yet).
>> Does anyone have the link to the 2021 data or is it only meant as a
>> promise and the data will come later? The interesting passages are in
>> present tense though: "Direct access to each data set *is* available
>> here" (but no link given I expected behind the "here")