

I have found a whole bunch of sketchy sites claiming to offer it.  

I spent a bit of time trying to find a download page for it on the WayBack Machine (where I've had success finding old software before), but no luck whatsoever.  If someone knows the correct, base URL, that would help.  I guess the product moved around a lot over the years, and the current URLs for the parent companies don't go back far enough.


On Friday, November 19, 2021 at 08:46, Lena Bohman eloquently inscribed:

> I assume you saw this rather sketchy download link?
> I'll leave it to someone else to decide if the software on offer is legit.
> I did try to whois the website but didn't get much.
> Lena
> On Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 8:41 AM Hammer, Erich F <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Does anyone happen to have a copy of the ProCite v5 demo installer?
>> We seem to have misplaced/lost our installer for our licensed version and
>> apparently have (or had) a machine with a rather important DB on it.
>> (Why!?  Just, Why?)  The machine has failed although we can get to the
>> files.  I'm not asking for a licensed copy of the outdated and long-defunct
>> software that would only really be useful for retrieving archival data in
>> situations like this because that would be illegal, but apparently there
>> was a demo installer that might get us where we need to go.
>> Alternatively, does anyone know how to migrate a ProCite DB to another
>> platform without having a copy of ProCite?
>> Feel free to reach out off-list.
>> Thanks,
>> Erich
>> --
>> Erich Hammer            Head of Library Systems
>> [log in to unmask]         University Libraries
>> 518-442-3891              University @ Albany
>> "The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas
>> the priest has killed a great many philosophers."
>>                                    -- Denis Diderot