

Hello, DLF-announcers,

CLIR seeks proposals from individuals or small teams with experience in planning and implementing conference programs in the cultural or higher education sectors to plan a symposium for the Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives<> program. This event will take place in Baltimore on October 12 and 13, 2022, in conjunction with the annual Digital Library Federation Forum<>. Work will commence in February and run through November 2022. Application review will start on January 24. The contract is for USD $25,000.


Please feel free to share, and let me know if you have questions about the role.

If you’re interested in a separate opportunity, to volunteer for the DHC Symposium planning committee, see more here:


Louisa M. Kwasigroch, MBA, MSLIS
Managing Director
Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)<>
đŸŒ³Near Chicago, Illinois

Let’s Connect
—Schedule a video chat with me directly<>


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