

I may not necessarily be the best person to answer your question as I'm 
only a novice language learner, but I've been learning Spanish on DuoLingo 
[0]. I'm not sure if it teaches conversationally, but it is cost-free and 
fun! They claim it is effective, and also have values of opening up global 
opportunities through English proficiency. It was started by a Duke 
alumnus, so what's not to like?


In fact, I recommend it to everyone, there are so many languages to learn 
on Duo! And even if you're not interested in learning a language, you 
should definitely watch the duocon talk by Sohla El-Waylly [1] and learn 
how to make tapioca cheese puffs; you won't be disappointed! (there were 
other talks about language-related things too)



On Thu, 24 Feb 2022, charles meyer wrote:

> My esteemed listmates
> I’m trying to help a patron learn English conversationally as Portuguese is
> her native language.
> She’s tried CDs, DVDs and books but learns best conversationally.
> Has anyone found a good resource for learning English conversationally when
> English is not your native language?
> Online?
> Meetup group online?
> Thanks so much.
> Charles.