

Hello all,

Please see the below announcement about the next joint meeting between RLUK’s Digital Scholarship Network and DLF’s Data & Digital Scholarship working group. The meeting is open to all, but pre-registration is required.


Collections as data: institutional possibilities and collective opportunities
Joint DDS-DSN meeting


22nd March 2022: 16.00-17.30 UK, 11.00-12.30 ET, 09.00-10.30 MT, 08.00-09.30 PT


This highly interactive session will follow three successful joint meetings between members of CLIR's Digital Library Federation, Data and Digital Scholarship working group (DDS) and RLUK's Digital Scholarship Network (DSN).

The meeting will explore the topic of ‘collections as data’ and will include speakers from across the US and UK research library and information communities. It will also include opportunities to meet with fellow professionals, share skills and knowledge, hear from skills experts, and receive updates regarding the continued collaboration between the DDS and DSN.

Speakers will include:

  *   Sarah Ames<>, Digital Scholarship Librarian, National Library of Scotland
  *   Lauren Tilton<>, Assistant Professor, Richmond School of Arts and Sciences
  *   Thomas Padilla<>, Senior Director of Collections, Technology, and Partnerships, Center for Research Libraries

You do not need to have attended a previous joint meeting in order to attend this session, and the meeting is open to all members of the DDS and DSN.

This event will be highly interactive and involve lots of delegate participation. Come energised to share your experiences, specialisms, and the skills needed in a dynamic, transatlantic skills exchange.

Although a free event, all delegates are required to register.


  *   Delegates are encouraged to read 50 things you can do with collections as data<> before the meeting.

Further information:

  *   Visit the collaboration's OSF page for useful resources from previous meetings (inc. shared notes from our last meeting): click here<>
  *   Read the latest blog outlining our previous joint event and the nature of this collaboration: click here<>
  *   Join the skills directory and share you skills and knowledge with the wider community: click here<>

Gayle Schechter, MSLIS | she/her/hers
Program Associate
🍑 Based in Atlanta, GA (Mvskoke land<>)
The Digital Library Federation (DLF)<>
Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR<>)
Alexandria, VA
@CLIRDLF<> | @akaGladys<>

My working day may not be your working day. Please don’t feel obliged to reply to this e-mail outside of your normal working hours.


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