

 Hello colleagues!
Please register for a webinar and Q&A about the development of the new
Black Metropolis Research Consortium Archives Portal! I'll be joined by
UChicago Programmer Analyst John Jung, who worked closely with me on the
project--building it from scratch using Flask and migrating the production
site to Wagtail, the CMS in use at University of Chicago. We are open to
any questions large and small, on any aspect of the concept, design,
values, technologies, you name it.

Here's the link to the MailChimp invite with the registration link. Please
let me know if you encounter any issues trying to register. Hope to see you!

Register now for the BMRC Archives Portal webinar, April 28th at 12:30pm

Thanks, and best wishes,

Laurie Lee Moses
Portal Archivist
*Black Metropolis Research Consortium* <>

University of Chicago Library

Office phone: 773-834-6336

pronouns: she, hers

Legacy Management Resource Portal