

Dear all,


The Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) is delighted to announce that registration is now open for DPASSH 2022, the biennial ‘Digital Preservation for the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities’ conference. This year’s conference will be on the topic of ‘Digital Preservation of Religious Collections: Conversations and Collaborations’


This will combine online practical workshops on 27 June with a hybrid-format conference on 29 and 30 June.


Workshop topics will include: collection appraisal for digitisation and digital preservation; digitisation; copyright and licensing; and a case study of converting the analogue to digital as part of a research project.


The keynote speakers for the conference will be: Prof. John McCafferty (University College Dublin); Prof. Fallou Ngom (Boston University); and Dr Niamh Nicghabhann (University of Limerick), who each represent a different area of expertise and knowledge relating to the topic of the conference.


The full programme for the workshops and programme can be viewed on the DPASSH website.


Registration for DPASSH 2022 is €38 (€28 DRI members/reduced rate) and entitles you to attend both the workshops and the conference. Your registration fee helps DRI with the costs involved in running a fully hybrid event, and enables us to welcome speakers and audience members both remotely and in person - thank you!


For more information and to register, check out the DPASSH 2022 Eventbrite page.


Many thanks,






Dr. Deborah Thorpe

Education and Outreach Manager, Digital Repository of Ireland

Royal Irish Academy

d.thorpe | @DebsEThorpe | @dri_ireland


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