

*** Apologies for cross-posting ***

Dear Colleagues,

This is to bring to your attention the third and final webinar in the "DataCite Make Data Count Webinar Series", which will take place May 19, 2022, 3:00pm (UTC):

The third and last webinar in our series “BEGIN: metadata for meaningful metrics” will look at next steps to develop responsible and fair data metrics that can reflect the use and impact of research datasets and help elevate them to first-class scholarly outputs. We’ll focus on necessary metadata to construct metrics that take into account characteristics and contexts of open data across disciplines.

Speakers include:
Christina Borgmann (UCLA)
Rodrigo Costas (Leiden University)
Isabella Peters (ZBW)
Nicolas Robinson-Garcia (Granada University)

Please use the following link to register for the one hour event:

Like the first two webinars before, this webinar will be recorded and made available later on the DataCite YouTube channel.

Here is the link to the first webinar: "FORAGE: The Hunt for Existing Data Citations"   
Here is the link to the second webinar: "EXPLORE: The need for an open classification system"

Best regards
Paul Vierkant
Paul Vierkant
Outreach Manager | DataCite 
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