


First, I'm guessing you have no way of knowing, but is it the software itself that won't run, or the installer?  64-bit Windows can run (most) 32-bit software, but in my experience, some of those older, 32-bit software use a 16-bit installer which cannot run on 64-bit systems.  One way around that problem is to find a 32-bit "sacrificial" test machine, install the software and identify where all the various bits and pieces went, then copy all those bits and pieces to a 64-bit machine.  In the past, I did just that for a few ancient, very-expensive, fairly simple scientific software applications, but I certainly wouldn't relish the thought of doing that for something as complex as Dragon Naturally Speaking.

Version 10.1 is the oldest 64-bit-capable version of DNS.  Have you looked into purchasing a newer version? 

Obviously, not what you wanted ideally, but you can get versions of DNS > 10.1 on Ebay for under $20.  Personally, I've had good experiences with Ebay (even for software), but I pay close attention to the seller's rating and details of the posting.  For example:

Not terribly old, and unopened for $33.74 shipped from a seller with excellent ratings but also not so large that they don't care.  

That said, my understanding is that the DNS license is per user, not per machine, so that might put a kink in your plans (depending on what they are).

Good luck,

On Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 10:25, Charles Meyer eloquently inscribed:

> My esteemed listmates,
> I have a DVD disc of Dragon Naturally Speaking version 9.
> When I load it in my DVD writer/player and it loads I get the message it
> wont run on a 64 bit PC.
> Any work-arounds?
> Can I “trick” W10 I into thinking it’s a 32 bit application?
> I can’t find anyone who’s using dictation software but my doctor (bought
> the medical version of DNS years ago).
> If I could find an older 64 bit version of DNS for sale, has anyone bought
> pre=owend software on a reliable site or vendor?
> Where does pre-owned software go?
> Offshore? Goodwill?
> Thank you.
> Charles.
> Charles Meyer
> Charlotte County Public Library
> Port Charlotte, FL