

A friend texted me today and asked how I was doing, considering the current news and state of the world. I replied, "I started my coffee maker this morning and forgot to put the carafe in place...again. That's how I am doing." Part of my distraction has been caused by this persistent question: how can I make a With guidance from my always thoughtful colleagues, I decided to make a difference through the job board by providing resources that will help job seekers make informed decisions during uncertain times. On the right side bar of the home page, you will now find links to articles, maps, and wikis pertaining to laws governing health care, civil liberties, gun laws, employment, and voting laws by state (when possible). It is my hope that these links will help you find not only the right job, but the right place for you to live. This will be a living section, so if you have any resources that have helped you, please send them my way for review. All my best to you, especially to those who are also forgetting the carafe during their day.


New on the Job Board

Erin O’Donnell, MMC

Outreach and Engagement Associate

🍅 Based in Basking Ridge, NJ

Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)

Arlington, VA  | @clirnews | | sign-up for the job board digest

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