

Hi all!
I am working on an alternative way to batch upload materials from ProQuest to Digital Commons. As some of you may know, they have a new feature "Batch Upload File Manager" that allows you to upload pdf's and then it generates an excel sheet with pdf urls (see attached example). The downside of this is that you then have to add all the corresponding metadata (title, author name, etc.)

I have a way to download the corresponding xml files and combined them all, but I don't have an easy way to transform the xml file to the formal of the excel file.

Does anyone know of an online converter or free software that can help me create this? Or alternatively, have a good macro guide? I know that all of this is possible, I am just way out of my league when it comes to skillset. Our IT Director left last year and I've been scrambling ever since!

I attached two file examples (the xml + the excel spreadsheet that I need it to align with)
