

Can I brag a bit? The job board was featured on Hiring Librarians<> yesterday! I hope you have a moment to check it out and then can stay to read some of the previous posts. You will find helpful insights from hiring managers about what they love–and don't love–to see in applications and interviews. More on that in next week's digest! 🌻 Erin

New on the Job Board

  *   Lead Applications Developer<>, University of Tennessee Libraries
  *   Software Engineer<>, Johns Hopkins University
  *   Senior Software Engineer<>, Johns Hopkins University
  *   DevOps Engineer<>, Johns Hopkins University
  *   Senior DevOps Engineer<>, Johns Hopkins University
  *   Collection Analysis Librarian<>, Duke University Libraries
  *   Librarian - Director of Open Partnerships and Services<>, The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries
  *   Associate Vice Provost for Operations, Access Services, and Strategic Partnerships<>, University of Pennsylvania
  *   Medical Research Librarian<>, University of Pennsylvania
  *   Research Data Management Specialist<>, Princeton University Library
  *   Digital Curation and Preservation Librarian<>, Hamilton College
  *   Instruction and Outreach Archivist<>, University of Oregon

Erin O’Donnell, MMC
Outreach and Engagement Associate
🍅 Based in Basking Ridge, NJ
Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)
Arlington, VA<>  | @clirnews<> |<> | sign-up for the job board digest<>


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