

Hi all,

Here is a course from Library Juice Academy you might be interested in.

The SPARQL Fundamentals III

Dates: October 3 - October 30

Instructor: Robert Chavez

Credits: 1.5 CEUs or 15 PDHs

Price: $200.00

This course will wrap up the study of SPARQL 1.1 syntax that began in
SPARQL Fundamentals I & II and also get you working with your own RDF
triplestore. Topics to be covered include: SPARQL Property Paths and an
overview of SPARQL Operators and Functions, a close look at some
interesting and useful functions not covered in the previous courses. We’ll
also spend time with the SPARQL CONSTRUCT statement and learn how to use
CONSTRUCT in queries to create triples as output. Finally, we will install
the Apache Jena TDB triplestore and learn how to load data into a
triplestore and manage that data with INSERT, LOAD, DELETE, and CLEAR.

Pre-requisites: the SPARQL Fundamentals I & SPARQL Fundamentals II courses
are the main prerequisites as this course will build on the foundations
established there.

This course is a follow-up to our Certificate in XML and RDF-Based Systems.

For a list of all of the courses being offered next month, please go to:

Library Juice Academy

P.O. Box 188784

Sacramento, CA 95818

Tel. (916) 905-0291

Fax (916) 415-5446

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Ariana Varela (she/her)
Marketing Coordinator

Library Juice Academy
PO Box 188784
Sacramento, CA 95818-8784