If you are still on the fence about the DLF Forum and related events, tomorrow (Sept. 30) is the last day to register! If while sitting on that uncomfortable fence, you were regretting not submitting a proposal for CLIR's Pocket Burgundies, regret no longer. The submission deadline has been extended to Oct. 5 and questions about this new series are always welcome. But before you head over to register and submit, check out this impressive list of jobs on the board! 🌻 Erin


New on the Job Board

Erin O’Donnell, MMC

Outreach and Engagement Associate

🍅 Based in Basking Ridge, NJ

Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)

Arlington, VA

clir.org  | @clirnews | jobs.diglib.org | sign-up for the job board digest

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