[Please excuse cross-posting.]

The Special Collections and Preservation Department at the University of Virginia Library is excited to invite applications for a Digital Preservation Analyst position. Reporting to the Digital Preservation Librarian and part of the Preservation Department, the Digital Preservation Analyst will work to scale, support, and maintain digital preservation systems, services, and workflows for the growing universe of digital resources stewarded by the University of Virginia Library. We highly encourage early career applicants to apply.

The position will remain open until filled, but applicants are strongly encouraged to apply by the end of day on Friday, October 7, 2022.

Please visit the application website for the full job description and further details: https://uva.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/UVAJobs/job/Charlottesville-VA/Digital-Preservation-Analyst_R0040263

Thank you,

Lauren Work

Digital Preservation Librarian

University of Virginia Library


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