

Hey yall - exciting news --

The Iowa State University Library is seeking applications for the Head of Digital Scholarship & Initiatives (DSI)!

DSI is composed of specialists that support digital collections, digital scholarship, and the digital repository. The Head of DSI provides direction and vision for the department, develops strategic planning, and provides support for staff and programs to flourish.


  *   Facilitate connections between the library staff and faculty, students, and staff engaging with our digital collections, repository and digital scholarship.
  *   Assess and evaluate programs, services, policies, and processes of the department and work collaboratively with other library units and administration to meet the goals of the library.
  *   Partake in and support grants work, development efforts, and public engagement.
  *   Participate in the divisional management team, library-wide planning and discussions and can serve on library and university committees.
  *   Hire, evaluate and coach staff to achieve excellence in their professional responsibilities, their promotion and career development.
  *   Manage five direct reports and a total of eight DSI team members who have a range of talents and experiences.
  *   Work with relevant units across the library and campus to grow digital scholarship capacity and expertise and further the development and use of our digital collections and repository.

Candidates for this position must

  *   Have a strong desire to collaborate with faculty and other library units to develop digital scholarship projects and support services.
  *   Be willing to introduce digital scholarship to students through instruction and by integrating germane concepts into the curriculum.
  *   Have the ability to plan, organize, and set and achieve goals
  *   Possess the ability to effectively communicate and collaborate will be essential to success, as the candidate will be working within and across library departments and divisions to effectively lead this department.

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to continue shaping the department by developing collaborative relationships, cultivating partnerships, promoting DSI, and empowering staff that will make use of a new cooperative digital scholarship focused space called The Catalyst.

Details about the job and how to apply can be found here:

If you have any questions or would like to talk about the position, please do reach out to me and I would be happy to discuss it with you.

Thanks in advance for considering and sharing.

Hannah Scates Kettler (she, her, hers)
Associate University Librarian for Academic Services

Iowa State Parks Library
701 Morrill Rd, Ames, IA 50011-2102
tel.: 515-294-8590

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