Whether you were able to attend the DLF Forum or not, check out the newly posted Forum fellows reflections on the DLF blog. My favorite quote is from student fellow, Jerrell Jones: "I was affirmed in my work, empowered in my work, by strangers that gave me no indication that we were not already family." So if you want to remember why we gather and why the work you do is important, head on over to the blog. New reflections will be posted soon, so stay tuned! 🍁 Erin  -  P.S. CLIR and DLF offices will be closed next week, so the digest will return on Dec. 1.


New on the Job Board

Erin O’Donnell, MMC

Outreach and Engagement Associate

🍅 Based in Basking Ridge, NJ

Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)

Arlington, VA

clir.org  | @clirnews | jobs.diglib.org | sign-up for the job board digest

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