

Hi Kate,

I open MS Word on a laptop running W10. I then press the Windows Logo Key
and H. I dictate into that laptop. I can see the words typed on the screen.
I'm done dicatting. Where on my hard drive is Windows/Word saving that
dictation? It's not in C:\Downloads or C:\Programs and Windows and  Word
never prompt me (cf. Firefox) about where I wish to save the file I'm a
about to dictate or have dictated.

I've found no MS explanation of where on my hard drive that file created is
stored nor what format. MP3?

Where on your hard drive did you find your dictated file?



Date:    Mon, 26 Dec 2022 10:58:33 -0500
From:    [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Dictating with the Logo key in Windows

Just tested. It will put the dictation in the currently active application
and cursor location. It will also inform you if dictation is fully
supported in the app. For example, it told me this for Notepad++. While it
transcribed what I said, I could not use a command like 'Select All'.

Kate Deibel